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Grove, Fellow House Republicans Named State Legislators of the Month

Mar. 28, 2025 /

DOVER – Rep. Seth Grove (R-Dover) was joined by two fellow House Republicans in being named State Legislators of the Month for March by the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). Reps. Eric Nelson (R-Westmoreland) and Barb Gleim (R-Cumberland) also received the honor.

Schmitt Bill Aims to Protect Cemeteries from Eminent Domain

Mar. 27, 2025 /

ALTOONA – To close a loophole in current law, Rep. Lou Schmitt (R-Blair) will soon introduce his Hallowed Ground Bill that would no longer allow government agencies to use eminent domain to acquire unused portions of cemeteries.

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Session Schedule

The Pennsylvania House of Representatives will return to voting session at noon on Monday, April 7.

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The Pennsylvania House of Representatives is taking swift and determined action to combat the opioid crisis in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania now leads the nation in drug overdoses among men ages 12 to 25 and is ninth in the country across the general population. The number of overdose deaths exceeds those caused by car crashes and guns combined. There is broad consensus the opioid issue affects all groups of Pennsylvanians – not differentiating by race, region, religion, income or any other factor.

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Strengthening Protections for Crime Victims

In a bipartisan, bicameral show of support for crime victims, the General Assembly will continue taking steps to strengthen the protections for our most vulnerable victims of crime. Just as those accused of a crime have certain rights, we need to ensure our most vulnerable crime victims have equal status throughout the entire criminal justice process.

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The best welfare reform is to remove barriers that keep people from working. For every Pennsylvanian to have the opportunity for a good-paying job or career, House Republicans are prioritizing access to a quality education and removing barriers to independence.

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Representative Seth Grove
Representative Seth Grove RepGrove

Act 146 Waiver - Attorney General

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Representative Seth Grove
Representative Seth Grove RepGrove

Act 146 Waiver - Inspector General

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Representative Seth Grove
Representative Seth Grove RepGrove

Act 146 Waiver - Auditor General

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